By Van Anh Nguyen
Learning about Eastern Culture, especially Chinese culture, we cannot pass by enjoyment of drinking tea as a beverage. Before 8th century B.C, Chinese tea was primarily used as a medicine. In the next stage, it was cooked like a soup, tea leaves were mixed with food. Ancient Chinese books documented that tea was eaten and used with other spices to cook at this stage. During the Tang Dynasty (618 AD – 907 AD), tea became a common beverage and was trading extremely busy.
Nowadays, Chinese tea is exported over the world. In Hungary, we can taste approximately 100 different type of the tea in Teaház Körönd at Budapest, Aradi u 53.
Mr. An Shi, Chinese man who has lived here near 30 years launched this tea house haft year ago with all his heart and enthusiasm to introduce Chinese Culture to Hungarian. Entering the tea house, we can see whole decoration belonging to Chinese that he brought them from China. Beside green tea and black tea are very well known, Teahaz has also special fruite tea without sugar. An Shi said:”Tea can be used as medicine or a treatment for illness. For example: person who has a lot of sweat, green tea will help; incontrast, person who usually feels cold, black tea will help; you have problem with stomatch? You should choose ginger tea”. Everytime I come here, I learn useful tips from him for my health. Have you taste a tea which has smelling of milk but no colour of milk? It calls Oolong milk tea – my favourite.
Teahaz also serves preoder food. His wife’s cooking skill is amazing. I taste quite many meals from her, and I can say that it is really original Chinese food and I always feel like house meal with really friendly owners, very welcoming.
If you would like to know more about Chinese culture, history and quisine, Tao Te Ching – Chinese classic text was written around the 6th century BC, find him!
If you would like to learn Chinese for free, find him!
If you would like to know about Feng Sui, basic advices for free, find him!
The tea house open from 16h – 23h Summer time, 11h – 22h Winter time, from Monday – Saturday.