By Hakeem Babalola
Hungary`s one and only Afrika Múzeum (Africa Museum) is receiving a very good patronage from the public. On the average, over 2000 people usually visit the museum during the peak days.
Run from April to November, the museum has collections of rare African art works -…
Good patronage for Africa Museum in Balatonederics
Címkék: culture Dr. Nagy Balatonederics African Museum Endre Tanzania House and Safari Club for Hungarian Hunting lovers 2012.09.12. 10:49
Cultural differences between Ukraine and Hungary
By Aliona Tumko
"Culture is a complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." –
Edward B. Tylor
Culture is the full variety of learned human actions patterns. It is a…