On June 14th Gogol Bordello was playing in Budapest. Music Against Racism had a stall at the event and before the concert (thanks to Skalar Music) I had the opportunity to meet Eugene. As he has a diverse beackground - he is from Ukraine, had a Roma grandparent, migrated to the States in the 80s - I…
Listen to his music and forget your political agenda
Címkék: culture Roma Gogol Bordello Ukraine United States Eugene Hütz Music against racism migrant 2014.07.02. 07:27
Cultural differences between Ukraine and Hungary
By Aliona Tumko
"Culture is a complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." –
Edward B. Tylor
Culture is the full variety of learned human actions patterns. It is a…