By Alexandra Takacs
Hundreds of students come to Budapest because of the educational exchange programs, but not all of them decide to stay in Hungary and build their own career. They say the reason behind is mainly either the language barrier or the willingness to expand new territories and…
A girl who started to learn Hungarian in Tbilisi
Címkék: personal Lela Kakhadze International Business School 2012.09.18. 10:28
Cultural differences between Ukraine and Hungary
By Aliona Tumko
"Culture is a complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." –
Edward B. Tylor
Culture is the full variety of learned human actions patterns. It is a…
Címkék: personal cultural Hungary Ukraine 2012.09.10. 15:29
Prof Taylor loves Hungarian lifestyle
By Valeria Dauchalevich
Hungary attracts a large variety of people from all over the world. For example, I had a chance to make an interview with my former university professor, Jeff Taylor, who had been living in Hungary for 21 years. He shared with me his ideas on the account if immigration to…
Címkék: personal ibs jeff taylor 2012.08.06. 11:07
Taxes are very high in Hungary and the system is discouraging
By Itopa Tersoo Omeiza
The first owners of an African buffet in Hungary describe their challenges and also the present situations while trying to establish their business here Hungary. In an exclusive video interview with Emmy, the owner of the first African buffet in Hungary that was awarded on…
Címkék: personal gastro African 2012.07.24. 12:23
Person with no motherland
By Valeria Dauchalevich
Our identity is often tied to our motherland. But how can one identify self if equal parts of his or her life belong to two different cultures?
To get a step closer to the answer I met Leonid, an immigrant from a Russian town, not small neither big. He moved to…
Címkék: personal motherland Russia 2012.07.22. 12:23
Hungary a land my dreams came true
By Itopa Tersoo Omeiza
People have their own different perspective about Hungary; I hear a lot of people say Hungary is a very difficult place to live because of their low economic standard of living, yet at the same time a lot of foreigners describe Hungary as a cheap and comfortable place to…
Címkék: personal Slovakia dreams come true metwork marketing 2012.07.20. 11:24
Bubble tea - you never forget the first one
By Van Anh Nguyen
Summer now is in Budapest within the temperature extremely hot 40 degree recently. Are you expecting a new cold drink today? Let’s try Bubble Tea from Asia!
Bubble tea sounds very new for Hungarian but it is actually familiar with almost citizens in U.S, U.K, and…